Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Dynamics GP: Adding more comments on SOP Documents

Comments for Sales Order Processing (SOP) transactions are entered using a text field which allows for a maximum of 500 characters.  When the comments are saved, the text field is broken down into 4 string fields of 50 characters each.  The code that parses the text field into the 4 string fields is smart enough to avoid breaking words in half.  It will fit as many words as it can up to the last space before the 50 character mark or up to a carriage return (new line).  When the SOP documents are printed, it is these 4 comment string fields which are printed on the report.  This means that if you use carriage returns or type a comment longer than 180-200 characters, you are unlikely to see all of your comment text shown on the report.

The below blog shows step by step how you can add up to 8 lines on your SOP Documents...


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