Monday, May 16, 2011

PMP sample questions

A project manager is working in a country where it is customary to pay the police for private protection services. The PM's senior manager tells him that in another country, that would be considered a bribe and should not be done.

What is the BEST way for the project manager to proceed?
A. Ask his senior manager for guidance.
B. Do not pay the police for private protection services, because that would definitely be a bribe.
C. Pay the police for private protection services, because it is customary in the country they are operating in.
D. Consult the Cost Management Plan about payments.

Answer: C
Explanation:Some questions might ask you about how to operate in another country. In this case, the question is about whether or not something is a bribe. Clearly, if it's a bribe, you can't pay it. However, if a payment to a government official (or anyone else) is customary, then it's not a bribe. You should go ahead and pay the police - as long as it's acceptable and legal in that country.

You are managing a construction project to install wiring in an office building. You discover that one of your team members has taken a box of cable from the job site so he can wire his attic at home.

What is the BEST way to respond?
A. Report the team member to PMI
B. Call the police
C. Report the team member to your manager
D. Do nothing

Answer: B
Explanation:If you discover that someone has broken the law, it is your duty to call the authorities and report that person. You need to do this, even if it seems like the offense is minor.

Which conflict resolution technique is most effective?
A. Withdrawal
B. Compromise
C. Smoothing
D. Confronting

Answer: D
Confronting means figuring out the cause of the problem and fixing it. That's the best way to be sure that the right decision is made.

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